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snake games online play what is the world record for snake game

snake games online play what is the world record for snake game

The snake game which used to be available on feature phones has now arrived on Google Maps. Users can play it on Android, iOS, and desktop versions. The game can be played from different locations across the globe. The app provides an opportunity for the ones who were missing to play this game on their feature phones.

It also brings in discovering the famous cities existing across the world. The places include Cairo, London, San Francisco, Sao Paulo, Sydney, and Tokyo. These games will only work with an active internet connection.




Step 1: Visit the link on your device.

Step 2: Click on the menu available in the top right corner.

Step 3: play snake option is not available, restart your app once more.

Step 4: Next you will find a new option that is located in the menu available.

Step 5: Click on the ‘play’ button and the game will begin.

Step 6: Now choose the city you want to explore through the snake game and the destination.

Step 7: Once you reach your destination. The game is over and you can pick a new city or exit the game.

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